Promote Site has been shadow banned by the major search engines.  No doubt this is due to the site’s promotion of Catholic Church teaching.  Shadow banning is the practice of blocking or partially blocking access to a website or social media account. For instance; has an article titled: “What is an Abortion?” When first introduced it attracted thousands of visitors. At the time, if you were to type “What is an abortion” into any search engine our page would appear near the top of the search results. Type that in now and you will not find our page anywhere near the top if you find it at all.  So, when it comes to attracting new visitors, we are on our own. Thus, a part of the solution is to simply ask our visitors to help promote the site in one or more of the ways listed below.

1. First and foremost would be to pray for the effectiveness of the site.

2. Tell your friends or members of your prayer group etc…

3. Use one or more of the Social Media share buttons on the left side of this page.

4. Cut and paste the following link into your website:

5. Insert the following notice into your parish bulletin:

Having Doubts about the faith?
Evidence for God and Faith.

6. Use our Website Banner:

7. Or you can use one of our bulletin graphics. Just right click and save: