Is Fornication Wrong?

by Sebastian R Fama

If someone would say to me: “Your mother slept with the entire football team.” Would that be an insult, a compliment, or a neutral statement? Most people would take that as an insult. And logically speaking, you could only know that having casual sex with forty guys is wrong because you first knew that having casual sex with one guy is wrong. Increasing the number of incidents does not make it immoral. A larger number just makes it worse. Extremes, in cases like this, do not establish principles. They only act as magnifying glasses. And when you look at something through a magnifying glass, it is hard to deny what it is.

If someone would say to me: “Your mother slept with your father,” I would not consider it an insult, and neither would most people I know. Ah, but what if he had sex with her forty times? Still no problem. And that is because there is nothing wrong with a married couple having sex. All living things are governed by the Natural Law. That is, we all have a nature and if we try to sidestep it, we are adversely affected. Personal beliefs have nothing to do with it.

A tomato plant has as its purpose the creation of healthy tomatoes. Deprive it of the correct amount of sunlight and water and you would get substandard tomatoes. That is because you have ignored the Natural Law. People are governed by the Natural Law too. Casual sex has not caused us to thrive as a species. It is the source of disease, poverty, and crime.

How it spreads disease is obvious. One study showed that only people with colds outnumbered people with STD’s. “The New England Journal of Medicine (April 18, 1996) reported that approximately one in every three female college students in America is infected with a venereal disease called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). The medical Institute for Sexual Health (April 1994) reported that the greatest danger of HPV is that it is the probable cause of almost all cervical cancer” (

Casual Sex leads to a lot of fatherless homes. Fatherless children routinely equal problem children. And that can equal crime and disordered behavior. I am not saying this is the rule. But the percentages are much higher than what we see in homes with two parents. Moreover, a promiscuous past very often breeds distrust in a couple’s relationship.

Proper water and sunlight give you the best chance of getting healthy tomatoes. Abstinence before marriage, and fidelity after marriage, gives you the best chance for a healthy relationship and sex life. Healthy marriages produce healthy families. Healthy families produce a healthy society.

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