Free eBooks

The eBooks that we offer on this site are in PDF Format. In order to read PDF files you need to have the latest version of Adobe Reader. If you don’t have one you can get the latest version for free by clicking on the “Get Adobe Reader” button. Once you have your Adobe Reader click on the “Get Book” button of your choice. You can save the books on your computer for future reference by clicking on the save icon in the Adobe Reader or you can print them. 


And You Will Know The Truth
How to Explain and Defend The Catholic Faith
by Sebastian R. Fama

And You Will Know The Truth is a compilation of the “Essays” and “Early Church Fathers” sections of this website. Also included is a copy of “The Doctrinal Concordance of the Bible” and a copy of the “How Old is Your Church” page. As described elsewhere on this site the essays rely very heavily on Scripture in demonstrating the soundness of Catholic teaching. The book is formatted in a way that allows you to easily make copies of anything you may wish to use as a handout. All of the essays are short (two pages). Permission is given to copy and distribute everything in the book. It is best to have this book spiral bound at a copy center such as Kinkos or Staples. Spiral binding works best as it allows you to open the book up all the way when you want to make copies of a particular subject to give to friends or critics. (This will be the final version. I won’t be adding any more subjects)

Regular Print
229 Pages – PDF Format
(237 Pages with covers etc.)

Large Print
439 Pages – PDF Format
(447 pages with covers etc.)


Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Early Church Fathers
by Michael J. Partyka

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Early Church Fathers documents the deliberate misrepresentation of the writings of the Early Church Fathers by the Watchtower Society. Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught that the Early Church Fathers knew nothing of the doctrine of the Trinity. And yet when one examines the very writings of the Fathers they quote we are faced with an avalanche of evidence defending the Trinity. Evidence which can easily be verified by anyone.

Mr. Partyka also takes the Watchtower to task concerning their claim that Jesus was nailed to a torture stake and not a cross. Once again quoting the early Fathers as well as Scripture Mr. Partyka puts that claim to rest once and for all. This book, including the covers, is 53 pages long and in PDF Format (see note above on PDF files). Permission is given to copy and distribute everything in the book.

Regular Print
45 Pages – PDF Format
(53 pages with covers etc.)

Large Print
107 Pages – PDF Format
(115 pages with covers etc.)


Catholic Apologetics Guide 101
Scriptural Reference for Catholic Apologetics
by Adadzie, Godwin Delali

Catholic Apologetics Guide 101 is a little book for those seeking a right understanding of Apologetics in the context of Catholicism. It is written in a simple and friendly manner. It is an attempt to look at some Catholic positions from a Biblical perspective. It is hoped that this book will appeal to the Catholic as well as to the non-Catholic reader. It is not written in a “scholarly” way, but as a plain “theological” statement.



Regular Print
93 Pages – PDF Format
(100 pages with covers etc.)


Free Pro-Life eBooks from Human Life International

Which Cosmetics use Fetal Cells
How Contraception Built the Abortion Culture
Why We Don’t Need Abortion (even for the hard cases)


Free Doctrinal Concordance of the Bible

When someone tells you that Catholicism is unbiblical hand them a Doctrinal Concordance of the Bible. This concordance is a shortened version of the one that appears on the “Articles” page. Some have referred to them as “Scripture Cheat Sheets.” You can put them in your parish literature rack, use them as bulletin inserts, pocket references, or handouts.

Just like the longer version, this concordance lists the Scripture verses that back up Catholic teachings. The short concordance is now available in three languages; English, Spanish and German. Click here to see which subjects are covered in this version. If you have an Adobe Reader you can click on the “Get Concordance” button below to get a PDF copy to save or print. If you don’t have an Adobe Reader click on the “Get Adobe Reader” button above to get a free copy of the latest version. When making copies remember to print on both sides of the paper as there are two pages.