
The articles in this section were written by a variety of Catholic writers. They cover doctrinal and historical issues as well as contemporary challenges to the Catholic faith. Quite often the coverage on these topics is either jaded or sorely lacking. I firmly believe that people should have information that is accurate and complete. Only then can they come to a proper understanding of the issues. Distorting the truth serves no good purpose. As Jesus once said: “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).

The New Atheists

The Case for God by Mark Shea
Answering the New Atheism Scott Hahn and Benjamin Wiker
A Theologian Answers the Atheists by Father Thomas D. Williams, LC
Myth 1: Atheists are Smarter by Father Thomas D. Williams, LC
Myth 2: Religion Does More Harm than Good by Father Thomas D. Williams, LC
Myth 3: Religion is Opposed to Science by Father Thomas D. Williams, LC
Myth 4: Jesus Didn’t Found the Church by Father Thomas D. Williams, LC
Myth 5: Atheist Aid by Father Thomas D. Williams, LC

Creationism / Evolution

Is Theistic Evolution Truly Plausible? by Thomas J. Centrella
Evolution: A Dying Mythology by Hugh Owen
You Say You Want an Evolution? by Benjamin Wiker
Impact of Intelligent Design Ruling by Mary Ann Sullivan
Faith, Science and the Persecution of Richard Sternberg by Benjamin Wiker
God Created the Heavens and the Earth by Marge Fenelon

Doctrinal Issues

Why Critical Race Theory is Contrary to Catholic Education by Denise Donohue, Ed.D.
Critical Race Theory and Catholic Education by Patrick Reilly
Purgatory: A Primer by Joseph O’Brien
Peter Was the Leader of the Early Church by Sebastian R Fama
The Papacy in the Early Church
by Joe Heschmeyer  (off site) 
The Early Church Was the Catholic Church by Matt Nelson (off site) 
Did Jesus Claim to be God? by Gary Michuta  (off site) 
Were Simon and Jude the Cousins of Jesus? by Dave Armstrong

Eight Modern Errors Every Catholic Should Know and Avoid by Msgr. Charles Pope
Any Friend of God’s is a Friend of Mine by Patrick Madrid (Praying to Saints) (off site) 
Jesus Will Never Allow His Church to Ordain Women by Kathy Schiffer
The Fisher Pope by Joe Heschmeyer  (off site) 

Pope Pius V & Quo Primum by Jeffrey A. Mirus, Ph.D.
Doctrinal Concordance of the Bible by Sebastian R. Fama
Doctrinal Concordance of the Bible (German) by Sebastian R. Fama
The Authority of the Church as a Moral Voice by Fr. Michael Hinkley
What the Church is by Fr. Raymond J. De Souza
Marriages Indissolubility by Andrea Gagliarducci and Elise Harris 

Can Salvation Be Lost? by Jimmy Akin (off site) 
The Scriptures on Works by Sebastian R Fama
Why the Immaculate Conception is Biblical by Edward Sri

Mary, Mother of God by Steve Collison
The Sacrament of The Eucharist by Fr. Bill McCarthy
Eucharistic Miracles Over the Centuries by Joseph Pronechen
Sacramentals and Blessings Thomas L. McDonald
The Power of Sacramentals by Karen Edmisten
Sacramentals 101 by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Were the Early Church Fathers Trinitarian? by Michael J. Partyka

Church History

Christopher Columbus and Fake History by Gerald Korson
The Galileo Controversy (off site) 
Confirming Biblical History by Chuck Colson
The Schism Between Byzantium and Rome by Sebastian R. Fama
The Truth About the Crusades by Thomas F. Madden
The Crusades Were a Reasonable Response to Islamic Aggression by Angelo Stagnaro
An Inquisition Primer by Robert P. Lockwood (off site)
“Papal Sins” Greatest Sin: It’s Scholarship by George Sim Johnston
How Pius XII Helped to Save Jews During WWII by Sabrina Ferrisi
Ad Defends Pope Pius XII by Eve Tushnet
The Good Catholics Do by Fr. Andrew McNair
It’s a Wonderful Church by Robert Brennan
Vatican II and the Deposit of Faith by Fr. Edwin Gordon
Vatican II, Pastoral? by Charlotte Hays
Celibacy in the First Two Centuries by Fr. Michael E. Giesler
The Beauty of Priestly Celibacy by Fr. Carter Griffin
Obedience, Celibacy, Poverty (clerical)
How Old is Your Church by Sebastian R. Fama

Church and State

Civil Rights and Religious Liberty by Archbishop William E. Lori
The Great Achievement of Christianity by Donald DeMarco
Can a Catholic be a Democratic Socialist? by Trent Horn & Catherine R Pakaluk (off site) 
The Separation of Church and State by Cardinal William H. Keeler
Let Freedom Ring: A Pastoral Letter on Religious Freedom by Archbishop William E. Lori
What Does Our Flag Stand For? by Father Bill McCarthy
No Law Can Protect Religious Freedom if People Don’t Protect It by Joan Desmond
Religious Liberty and Contraception by Janet Smith
Catholics and Socialism by Paul Kengor
Catholics and Voting by Susan E. Wills
Catholic Voter Guide by Fr. Stephan F. Torraco, PhD

Clergy Abuse Scandal

Truth is Needed to Free the Church From Sacrilege of Clergy Scandal by Fr. Roger Landry
How to Confront Crisis and Endure in Faith by Father Roger Landry
Leave the Church Because of Scandals? by Sebastian R Fama (good bulletin insert)
Part 1: The Myths by John Burger & Kathryn Jean Lopez
Part 2: How it Was Handled by John Burger
Part 3: The Seminaries by John Burger
Is Clergy Sex Abuse Related to Homosexual Priests? by Matthew E. Bunson
Revealing Statistics by Steve Weatherbe
Diligent Defender by Tim Drake
How Pope Benedict Handled Abuse by Phil Lawler
Journalists Abandon Standards to Attack the Pope by Phil Lawler
Abuse in Colorado Public Schools Ignored by Wayne Laugesen
Teachers Vs. Priests – Unequal Treatment in the Media? by Wayne Laugesen
Media and Schools in Abuse Cover-up by Francis X. Maier
Self-Interest, Not Justice, Drives Abuse Advocacy Group by Wayne Laugesen
The Other Catholic Scandal by Phil Brennan

Sexual Ethics

More Pertinent Than Ever by Bishop James Wall (Humanae Vitae) (off site) 
The Birth Control Pill 50 Years Later
The Wisdom of Humanae Vitae by Fr. Jay Scott Newman
The New Contraceptive Order Can Only Kill Itself by Jennifer Roback Morse
UN Scientists Warn of Pills Link to Cancer by Valerie Schmalz
The Birth Control Pill Contaminates Relationships by Marie Hahnenberg
Are You Man Enough to take the NFP Challenge? by Ellen Rossini
Holy Communion: Eucharistic and Marital by John F. Kippley (off site) 
Abstinence Education Helps High-Risk Youth by Janneke Pieters
Family Planning Increases Pregnancy Risk by Paul Burnell
Sexual Activity Among Teens Leads to Depression by Philip S. Moore
The Benefits of Chastity by Mary Beth Bonacci
Cultivating Chastity by Kelly Marcum
Seven Things You Need to Know about Theology of the Body by Emily Stimpson
Are Condoms Foolproof? from
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Devastate Millions by Stephen Vincent
Beauty Set Free (Modesty) by Jacqueline Burkepile

Marriage / Cohabitation

Cohabitation is a Sin Against Social Justice by Jennifer Roback Morse
Marriages Indissolubility by Andrea Gagliarducci and Elise Harris 

Modern Myths About Cohabitation by Jay Copp
Unmarried With Children by Celeste McGovern
Pro-Marriage Culture Reduces Inequality by W. Bradley Wilcox
New Reports Still Say Marriage is Best by Fr. John Flynn, LC
Kids do Best With Married Parents


Not Born That Way: Science and LGBT by Joan Frawley Desmond
Homosexuality, What Does the Church Teach? by Fr. Michael J. Henchal
Studying the Same Sex Studies by Dale O’Leary
What Homosexuals Want by Eve Tushnet
Same Sex Marriage by National Organization for Marriage
Protecting Marriage by Father Juan Puigbó and Hilary Towers
Why Not Change Marriage? A National Catholic Register Editorial
The Truth About Marriage and Family by Matthew Spalding
The Importance of Mothers and Fathers by Archbishop William E. Lori
Better off with Mom and Dad by Sue Ellen Browder
What About the Children? by Tom McFeely

Transgender Movement

Catholic Women’s Colleges Admit Men by Matt McDonald
Gender Transition for Children: Cautionary Tales by Ann Scneible
Transgender Kids Need Truth and Love by Tom Hoopes
Gender Identity: Battleground for Religious Freedom by Joan Frawley Desmond

Catholic Schools and Gender Theory by Joan Frawley Desmond
The Wages of Gender Ideology by Celeste McGovern
Transgenderism is a Gateway to Pedophilia by Benjamin Wiker
Subverting the Image of the Trinity by Father Roger J Landry
Slowing the Transgender Tide by Benjamin Wicker


Hard Cases and Abortion by Sebastian R Fama
What is an Abortion? from various sources

Rape and Adoption: One Woman’s Story by Joan Frawley Desmond
Abortion Evidence Mounts by Celeste McGovern
Abortion Kills More Mothers than Childbirth by Tim Drake
No to Research on Aborted Fetal Parts by Lauretta Brown
Investigate the Abortion Industry by Eve Tushnet
The Pain Unborn Children Feel by Stacy A. Trasancos
What Do Unborn Babies Know and When Do They Know it? by Steven D. Greydanus

Years of Pain After Abortion by Steve Weatherbe
Science Undermines Abortion Activists by William Donahue
Study Shows Abortion Drug Dangers by Carlos Briceno
RU- 486 Deaths (The Abortion Pill) by Andrew Walther
Is Planned Parenthood Hiding Something by Wayne Laugesen

Pulling Back the Curtain on Planned Parenthood by John M Grondelski
Planned Parenthood Unmasked by Joan Frawley Desmond
Parents Vs. Planned Parenthood by Jo Garcia-Cobb
Fetal Hand Grasp Photo by Michael Clancy


Embryonic Stem Cell Research by Dr. Brian W. Donnelly
Advances in Stem-Cell Research Avoid Killing Embryos by Patrick Novecosky
A Triumph for Ethical Stem Cell Research by E. Christian Brugger
Can In Vitro Fertilization Ever Be Morally Permissible? by E. Christian Brugger
What’s Wrong With In-Vitro Fertilization? by Tim Drake
Heed Jerome Lejeune’s IVF Warning by K.V. Turley

The Church is Not Backward by Rebecca Taylor (effects of In-Vitro Fertilization)
Ethical Reproductive Technologies by Coleen Rouleau
Americans and the Clone and Kill Mentality by Daniel Kuebler

Moral Relativism

Part 1: Understanding Relativism with Mercy by Edward Sri
Part 2: With Relativism There is no Right or Wrong by Edward Sri
Part 3: Moral Law Equals Authentic Love by Edward Sri
Part 4: Responding to: “Don’t Judge” by Edward Sri
Part 5: Relativism is not Neutral by Edward Sri
Part 6: Relativism is a Mask by Edward Sri
Part 7: Mercy Melts Hidden Sin by Edward Sri

Catholic Universities

The Land O”Lakes Statement Has Caused Devastation by Patrick Reilly
Land O”Lakes: How it affected Academia by Stephan Beale (Important!)
The Mandatum and the Rights of Catholic Parents by Steve Kellmeyer
Eight Ways Students Can Resist Bad Policy by E. Christian Brugger

Taking an Oath (The Mandatum) by Tim Drake
The Mandatum and Catholic Universities (Loyola University) by Tim Drake
Report Shows Catholic Schools with Ties to Planned Parenthood by Lauretta Brown
Loyola Marymount’s Catholic Identity Crisis by Peter Jesserer Smith
Notre Dame Hosts Abortion Doula by Kevin J. Jones

Notre Dame Backed Alumni Group Lauds Gay Marriage, Transgenderism by Sean Salai
Was Marquette Professor Disciplined for Upholding Church Teachings by Brian Fraga
Bishop Finds Notre Dame Events Revolting by Tim Drake
Students Criticize University of St. Thomas by Susan Klemond
Does Georgetown University Respect Free Speech? by Joan Frawley Desmond
Georgetown Faculty Offended by Cardinal’s Speech by Tim Drake
Georgetown Pro-Marriage Group Faces Sanctions
Holy Cross and Planned Parenthood by Gail Besse
St. Norbert’s Contradiction by Jonathan Liedl

Aberrant Groups or Movements

Can the Bayside Apparitions be Trusted? by Sebastian R Fama
The Society of Saint Pius X by Sebastian R Fama
Why Can’t a Catholic Join the Freemasons by Tyler Arnold

The Society of St. Pius X and Dissent  (off site) 
Liberation Theology (off site) 
Fr. Nicholas Gruner: The Man Who Harms Our Lady of Fatima by Rick Salbato
Fr. Nicholas Gruner’s Claims Rejected by Sister Lucia Zenit News Agency
The Third Secret of Fatima by Karl Keating
What’s Wrong With Planned Parenthood by Helen Alvare
Is Planned Parenthood Hiding Something? by Wayne Laugesen
Parents vs. Planned Parenthood by Jo Garcia-Cobb
Margaret Sangers Century by Fr. Walter Schu
Why the Prosperity Gospel is Bankrupt by Trent Horn (off site) 
Scientology (off site) 
Vatican Warns of New Age Dangers by Andrew Walther
Women Religious and New Age Spirituality by Ann Carey
The Enneagram Verses the Catholic Church by Rick Kephart

The Occult

Psychics and Witches by Fr. William Saunders
Reiki is a Superstition by Jeff Ziegler
Ouija Boards: A Game or a Gamble? by Fr. Robert Allgaier
Seances and Psychics by Una McManus

Church Documents

Declaration on Masonic Associations by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Instruction on Certain Aspects of the “Theology of Liberation” by Cardinal Ratzinger
On Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone by Pope John Paul II
Vatican Document on Same Sex Marriage by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Vatican Document on The New Age Movement (off site) 
The Excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre by Pope John Paul II


Messianic Prophecies by Sebastian R Fama
Prayers for the Souls in Purgatory

Catholic Organizations or Democratic Front Groups? by Brian Fraga
Irish Report on Irish Nuns Debunks Myths (off site) 
The Mormon Christ by Isaiah Bennett (off site) 
Fatima and Faustina Offer Frightening Visions of Hell by Paul Kengor
New Report Confirms Smut’s Devastating Impact by Joan Frawley Desmond
Teens Imitate TV Sleaze by Tim Drake
Sex on TV Can Artificially Age Children by Mary DeTurris Poust
Capital Punishment Debate Sebastian R Fama vs. Kevin Tierney
The Shroud of Turin (Jesus’ Burial Cloth) by Shafer Parker
New Evidence for the Shroud by Shafer Parker
Shroud Studies Confirm Unique Nature by Shafer Parker
Science Shines New Light on Shroud of Turin’s Age by Shafer Parker
New Scientific Method Dates The Shroud to the Time of Christ by Edward Pentin
See the Shroud of Turin
Defending the Deuterocanonicals (History of the Bible) by James Akin (off site) 
The Other Catholic Scandal by Phil Brennan
Religious Nuts Are Ruining American Society by Bill Dunn
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