A Right to an Abortion?

by Sebastian R Fama

Do women have a right to an abortion? Some politicians and abortion providers would say yes. But the politicians are usually motivated by power. And the providers are motivated by their lust for money. Consider the following: Many pro-life politicians become pro-abortion once they rise to the upper levels of government. Also, once they are pro-abortion, their arguments become illogical.

The pro-life argument is that abortion kills an innocent baby. If you disagree, you must refute that argument. Instead, pro-abortion politicians focus on other issues such as poverty or whether the baby is wanted. Apply that same logic to a five-year-old child and their arguments fade away. Logically, if you cannot kill a living five-year-old-child for the sake of convenience, you cannot kill a living twelve-week-old fetus for the sake of convenience. And of course, this logic would apply to any child at any stage of development.

We know abortion providers are motivated by profits because of their dishonesty when selling moms on the idea of aborting their babies? Despite the clear evidence, they will deny there is a fetal heartbeat. They deny that the babies feel pain. They even deny that there will be long-term effects on the moms. And they never let the moms see the ultrasound screen prior to the procedure.

If they are just providing a health care service, why not be honest? They cannot be honest because that would be bad for business. That is also why pro-abortion politicians are trying to close pregnancy centers who provide ultrasounds to women contemplating abortion. So much for “pro-choice.”

The science and the video evidence tell us that most abortion procedures involve torturing a live baby to death (see the video entitled “The Silent Scream” with Bernard Nathanson). The video shows a twelve-week-old fetus screaming and trying to get away during an abortion procedure. As we noted above, abortion providers use ultrasounds in their grisly work. And that means they see this every day. Thus, they are fully aware of what they are doing. But they do not care!

Some abortion procedures do not involve fetal pain. But that does not make them any less wrong as they still involve the taking of an innocent life. A crime can be committed against someone whether or not they are conscious. No judge ever dismissed a murder case because the victim was asleep when he was shot in the head. Killing is killing!

So, what do you suppose God thinks about all of this? We know exactly what He thinks because He told us. We know that the baby is human. Concerning all human beings Jesus said: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). In other words, killing a baby in the womb is the moral equivalent of killing Jesus. Those who take advantage of pregnant women in crisis may want to meditate on that.

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